.afdesign file format

Values are stored in little-endian format

I haven’t seen anything that actually looks like a flags field, usually there are a few boolean feilds so idk what some of these fields are for

#FAT section

Ok so, the data ends in the file name or something? a short will indicate the length of the filename?

It looks like this section will define the offset of the #Fil sections and their length

Looks like a entry starts with one byte, a 64 bit nubmer and a timestap

It looks like each section starts with 1 byte for flags, then a 8 byte timestamp

↓ This might be the FAT header? ↓

name count Type description
flags 1 uint64_t Flags?
date uint32_t UNIX timestamp
flags more flags
offsets 4 uint64_t offsets
fat_length 1 uint16_t The length of the fat section
idk 3 char  
idk 2  

^ I am pretty sure this is misaligned, there are more pad/flag bytes than I want, so I’m probably missing something. Also doc.dat occurs at the end of the file so this might be half a entry?

Also, the last offset could very well be the number of entries

Sometimes the timestamp seems to be wildly off, but was the file creation date for the doc.dat

it looks like only one file will have a reliable name (“doc.dat”), and other files will be in a directory structure (d/a, d/c, b/a...)

name count type description
idk 1 uint32_t idk. It’s always zero?
idk_Again bool looks like a bitfield or a number...
data_offset uint64_t The offset of the data
real_len uncompressed length
data_len The lengh of the chunk
date uint32_t the date
compressed bool if the chunk is compressed
fname_len uint16_t The filename length
filename fname_len char The filename


It looks like the tags are strings, but where stored in 32-bit integers when saved. The names of each chunk are reversed and are each characters long.

They were probably stored something like this:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>

int main(){
  union {
    uint32_t tag;
    char name[4];
  strncpy(name, "Prsn", 4);
  printf("0x%X\n", tag);
  // On a little endian system, this should output
  // 0x6E737250
  return 0;

It looks like the capitalization of the chunks do not matter to indicate flags, like the PNG format does.. So that’s cool.

SprB (Document properties?)

Total size: 36 bytes

name count type description
BrpS 1 uint32_t Dimension info
? 2 double Idk? looks to be zero usually Maybe some offset info like x and y offset maybe w×h+x+y
width 1 Width
height Height


Total size: 8 bytes

name count type Descrpition
Opac 1 uint32_t Tag
opacity float The opacity of the element


Total Size: 5 Bytes

name count type Descrpition
Visi 1 uint32_t The tag
visible bool visibility of the element


Total Size: variable (smallest is 6 bytes)

name count type Descrpition
Desc 1 uint32_t The tag
size uint16_t Length of the name
name size char The name of the Desc


This field is speculation, I haven’t gotten time to look at it yet But, based on the size of the data I am assuming.

Total size: 36bytes

name count type Descrpition
Mrgn 1 char The Tag
left double left margin
top top margin
right right margin
bottom bottom margin


Total Size: variable (smallest is 6 bytes)

name count type Descrpition
Data 1 uint32_t The tag
size uint16_t Length of the data
data size byte The data


Speculation, again. Presumably the offset of the root node Total Size: 8 bytes

name count type Descrpition
Root 1 uint32_t The tag
offset Offset to Root node

NgoL (Logarithm in base N?)

Ok, to be honest I have no clue what this means. I don’t know how long it is, as I can’t figure out where the length is specified

UOrg (???)

User organization? maybe the layers?

BmpW (Bitmap width)

Width of a bitmap

name count type Descrpition
tag 1 uint32_t WpmB
width 1 uint32_t Width

BmpH (Bitmap Height)

Height of a bitmap

name count type Descrpition
tag 1 uint32_t HpmB
height 1 uint32_t Height

Bitm (Bitmap)

name count type Descrpition
tag 1 uint32_t Bitm
flag bool boolean
size? uint32_t  

Frmt (Format)

name count type Descrpition
tag 1 uint32_t Frmt
flag 1 unit32_t Format?

Shap (Shape)

Shape info? I tried creating a test document with several shapes. But there were only one of these....

Stri (String)

name count type Descrpition
tag 1 uint32_t Stri

FOpc (F? Opacity)

name count type Descrpition
tag 1 uint32_t FOpc
opacity 1 float  

Blnd (Blend)

Layer mode? Blending mode? Blendy blend blend.


The XMP Data

name count type Descrpition
tag 1 uint32_t XMPD
length 1 uint32_t Length of the XMP data
data length char XML String

Symb (Symbol)

Post (Postscript)

Post script name of a font

name count type Descrpition
tag 1 uint32_t Post
length 1 uint32_t Length of the font name
name length char  

Famy (Font Family)

Font family of a font

name count type Descrpition
tag 1 uint32_t Famy
length 1 uint32_t Length of the font family name
Family length char  

Crvs (Curves)


name count type Descrpition
tag 1 uint32_t Crvs

Rect (Rect)

Rectangle, 4 32-bit integers, order x, y, w, h

Chld (Children)

Looks like it indicates how many children a field has